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   From vocational reasons, I need concepts like m�, m�, frequently but 

   also the root-sign. In fact I would like a possibility the most,
   the first two signs as in each case 1 letter-no-ness. 
   To this one had to use a Buchstaben-Malprogramm about. Be open

   this area experiences can collect and with which software?

L�sung-Nr.1 of Christian Beck - 21.01.97:
   The AMIGA-Betriebssystem can two or several letters quite normally in

   the Keyboard-Definitionen administers.  In order to alter these definitions gives
   it some good programs (for example EditKey of David Kinder).

-Anfang December 96 -
   In the Aminet, a program has appeared to the preparation of formulas.
   It is under �misc/math/MathScript32.lha �, to find. It is also on

   appeared the Aminet-CD'ses.
   �MathScript �is shareware. That is after a test-phase of 21 days
   one should the author a Obulus of 30, - DM leaves come.

                          Simon Ihmig
                          At the rough home 30
                          22111 Hamburg

                          Fax:   +49 (0)40 65901168
                          Enamel: Ihmig@tu-harburg.d400.de

   This program allows it the produced formulas in the IFF-Format, and something probably

   more important is to be stored in the EPS-Format.
   Also an ARexx-Port exists. In the program-package, ARexx-Makroses are for
   Finalwriters contain, about the produced formula immediately in FW invites to 



   -Ende August 96 -
   There is a program from the Freeware-Szene, MathPaint names itself and
   meat is from Urs.

   His/its address goes:
                        Urs meat
                        Leimatstr. 38
                        CH-9000 St.-biles

   With this program, one can edit formulas very simply. Become with it
   also more highly mathematical signs supports (integral, sum, operators,

   Skalarprodukt, mix-teaching, griech. Letters, root).
   After one has created his/its Formelm, one stands these as IFF-Bild -
   stores and invites as chart in 
   Since the IFF-Grafik is bitmap-oriented, one must unfortunately with the expression with
   a few quality-being-penances calculate.

   Since I see no further possibility however, I believe, one can completely to -
   be enclose.

   Unfortunately it has missed the programming-team of Softwood once again, one

   , To install Formel-Editier-Funktion into the program.
   Presumably they would like to store itself this for further Updates.

Converted on 21 Feb 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by
Michael Ranner .